Alpha Xi Delta’s Philanthropic Focus
The Kindly Hearts Initiative
The Kindly Hearts Initiative serves as the umbrella to our national philanthropic focus of supporting children and teens experiencing foster care or homelessness. Alpha Xi Deltas across the country support two Key Impact Organizations, FosterClub and StandUp for Kids, making a national and regional difference under the umbrella of our focus.
Letters of Love
All Alpha Xi Delta chapters and alumnae associations participate in Letters of Love, Alpha Xi Delta’s national letter writing fundraising campaign. Held annually during the month of November this campaign benefits Alpha Xi Delta’s two Key Impact Organizations, StandUp for Kids and FosterClub.
Our Chapter's Impact:
The AmaXIng Challenge is Alpha Xi Delta’s signature fundraising event designed to raise funds and awareness for Autism Speaks. Our colony at Texas Tech will host one of the following AmaXIng Challenge events annually:
Step It Up
Step It Up is a campus or community fun run/walk event that attracts members of the Greek community, student organizations, family, friends, faculty, local businesses, community organizations and the local Autism Speaks community.
Xi Man
Xi Man is a talent competition where men, generally representing fraternities, athletic teams and student organizations, compete for the title of Xi Man. Activities can include penny wars, an autism trivia competition, a community-wide children’s carnival and a pageant, just to name a few.
Football FrenXi
Football FrenXi is a bracketed flag football tournament. Organizations are encouraged to register an entire team, and most events will include t-shirt contests, spirit competitions and other interactive games.
Puzzlepalooza is a bracket-style puzzle competition that fits the theme of “piecing together the autism puzzle.” Teams compete to finish the same puzzle in the shortest amount of time to advance to the next round until a team has been crowned the winner.
Karaoke for a Cure
Karaoke for a Cure is a student karaoke competition. Some chapters will broaden the scope and include talents, dancing, etc.
Xi Marks the Spot
Xi Marks the Spot is a campus or community scavenger hunt that takes teams from one clue to another. At each stop, teams participate in various activities to earn a piece of the puzzle. The team that finishes each activity and completes the puzzle first wins the competition.
Additional Philanthropic Events
Additional events we coordinate throughout the semester may involve group and individual service project opportunities, donation drives, profit share nights at local restaurants, food fundraising events and more! Follow us on social media to see event announcements and information.